“Moreover, “practice by doing” and “teaching others” are the most dominant layers of the learning pyramid’s retention rates and this learning experience as a team will stay with us thanks to this wonderful simulation.”
Manager at FMCG Industry
Yaşayarak Öğrenme deneyimine ortak olmak ister misiniz?
Yaşayarak Öğrenme deneyimine ortak olmak ister misiniz?
Yaşayarak Öğrenme Deneyimine İnanıyoruz!
İş Simülasyonu ürünleriyle “Yaşayarak Öğrenme” konusunda 30 yılı aşkın süredir global lider olan ABD merkezli Capsim Business Simulations firmasının 2009’dan bu yana en öncü iş ortağıyız.
Uzmanlaşmış program yapısı ve uzman danışman kadromuzla, Türkiye ve Avrupa’da Yönetici Geliştirme operasyonlarımızı yönetiyor ve sürekli genişletiyoruz.
“Moreover, “practice by doing” and “teaching others” are the most dominant layers of the learning pyramid’s retention rates and this learning experience as a team will stay with us thanks to this wonderful simulation.”
Manager at FMCG Industry
"It was a very successful process from our point of view, and we were very happy to be involved in using the application. We had the opportunity to have fun while learning some things."
Manager at Tire Industry
"A great experience, I recommend this platform instead of many training. Compact, efficient and very effective process!"
Manager at Electrical Industry
"From sales to HR planning, it was a very high quality education that I have seen as a concrete inter-unit and financial interaction. I would also like to thank you for clearly sharing the concepts and questions with the memorable examples."
Manager at Electrical Industry
"The company's bankrupt experience, even with virtual money, created a strong stress on me."
Manager at Banking Industry